Wait Til You See My Smiile

this night,
this night's just like the rest.
these same thoughts,
just running through my head.
singing reckless phrases with a different face.

they say,
they say that i am worthless,
but i'm not listening.
i swear, in the end.

round round,
they spin like a record now.
same falsehoods built to be broke down.
around and around,
i'm falling down,

sticks and stones may break my bones;
your words they surely kill
they surely kill.
this feels the same;
complications and different situations.

i am holding out for love.
is it worth it,
to die a little each day?
all for unseen grace..

sticks and stones may break my bones;
your words they surely kill,
they surely kill.

your words are breaking down now.

i would say, where i've been to where i am,
is it worth it;
this grace?
when all else fails,
you can see it,
this place.

round round,
they spin like a record now.
same falsehoods built to be broke down.
these thoughts were meant to be broke down.

sticks and stones may break my bones;
your words they surely kill,
they surely kill.
your words they surely kill,
they surely kill.
your words are breaking down now.
it's all for her, again.


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