Some of a kind..
God protect and bless you,dear beloved.
I pray you're doing fine.
But know that I no longer belong to you,
And no longer you'll be mine.
I hope you are safe,
From this sometimes scary world.
May you find the person who can erase your tears,
And soothe you with her words.
But me? I found my way,
My destiny and my fate.
You don't have to pull me back,
You mustn't for me wait.
I have goals and dreams I need to tend to,
I need to let us go.
Because I've suffered much with our love,
I destroyed myself with you.
You go ahead and leave,
While I pick the broken pieces of my heart.
Shaking my head with disappointment,
On how I thought I was smart.
Oh no, I rest my case,
I admit my fatal mistake.
Relationships are two-sided,
But I'd give and you would take.
Save your breathe,oh dear beloved,
I will be gone like a ghost avenged.
Putting the last piece of my broken heart in place,
I finally healed, and that's my revenge.
So God protect and bless you,dear beloved.
I pray you're doing fine.
But I doubt you found someone like me,
In the end,I am one of a kind.
// When you love someone, set them free. If they come back, they were meant to be yours. If they didn't, they never were. ♥